Sunday, January 25, 2009

Potty Time!

This is what you would've seen if you came to visit us this last week. I had the week off from work and so we locked the doors and stayed inside all week..... and yes... potty trained :-) I was in tears the 1st day and thought it could not be done. But with some reassurance (thanks Jenny) I stuck it out. And since friday she has been telling us when she needs to go :-) We still have to perfect when we are around other people and lots of distractions.. but i know we will get there!!

Papa Boos and Grandma Lolo

A couple weekends ago we went to go visit Bruce and Laurel in Grand Forks. We had a great time. Ava played guitar with papa and Ava loved the air mattress!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dave Ramsey

So I am not sure why but I felt like I needed to post this this morning.Ben and I took Dave Ramsey's 13 week course. And it is nothingless but amazing. I believe everyone should take it! Honestly, when we went I was dragging my heals alittle bit. I thought we were doing just fine. But after the the 1st video I was so excited for what we were going to learn. And the thought of having no debt! I had never even thought about what it would be like to not have to pay other people but being able to pay yourself and give. If you have not taken this course you need too! They just started it at 3 churches in FF. Life, Nazareen and Hilltop. And Hilltop church has daycare provided. They just started this last thursday but the 1st one is really just and intro. Plus if you miss any you get all the cd's of all the lessons... so there you go! If you have ever thought about going, I am telling you. DO it! You may be thinking you don't have that much debt. Ben and don't really either. But now having the knowledge of where we should put our money will be huge when we are older. His motto is: If you will live like no one else, Later you can LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE!Hope this might have helped someone :-)

Friday, January 16, 2009

We had our pics done last weekend and i am soo excited with how they turned out. I took pics of the pics. Here are just a few.

Playing Kitchen!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby shower!

It was soo great to see Maralee and her adorable growing belly!! I told her she is way to tiny to be so far along :-) We had such a great time.

I'm four.... ahh 2!!

Ava turned 2 years old today. But if you ask her she is 4!! Then if you ask again she will say 2 followed by holding up 5 fingers! Gotta love it! I can't believe my little baby is soo big!