Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Overdue and ready to pop

Well... I never thought this would actually happen to me. But it did. I am officially overdue. I am going to go to the Y and waddle around the track for the last time today.... more for support of my friend who I haven't seen in awhile... and to know what it is like to have to answer...." I was due __ days ago". But until this baby arrives I will be staying inside....watching movies with my daughter and maybe the occasional hang out at Grandma's. I am alittle afraid of how I would react to someone telling me... she will come when she is ready.... and to that poor person that may be out there... I am sorry ahead of time for what I might say:-)
Is this a poor me.... I'm miserable... ventin blog.. Yes it is. I figure I can do that once in my lifetime :-)
I am really going to try and look at today like I just saw on a friends status. Looking at what happens aS 10% and how I choose to react to it is 90%. If I do not have this girl by Monday they will induce me.... and if one of the ladies that is sch. to be induced this week goes into labor and there is a opening. I will be getting a call to come in.
I now I know why people that go overdue kind of fall of the face of the earth type of concept. To my friends calling. I appreciate your caring... I truely do. But until this baby arrives I may not answer my calls. I may not call back. And it is not because I don't care or appreciate you checking in. I do. I really do. But usually.... i am holding back tears and trying to have a good attitude... and it really gets hard after awhile..... I already sound like i have been overdue for weeks now don't I. :-) That's all for now. My next post will be pics of our Baby Girl... whenever she chooses to show us her beautiful face.


Ekelund Fam said...

Love you Jen! Praying for you and can't wait to meet the little one soon!

Brooke said...

just know that all your friends are doing it because we love you and are trying to encourage you! we are all s anxious to meet her along with you! Will be praying for a safe delivery & a happy, healthy, sweet baby girl! Sending hugs & love your way!

Candis Berge said...

Oh Jen! I was early with our first two sons and so I told folks I was due "mid October" instead of the end of the October when due with Daniel. Big mistake. He wasn't born until Nov 7, AND I was HUGE in that pregnancy also... so I looked like I was going to pop for weeks! I was embarrassed to go out because of the looks people gave me...and I was tired of the questions of "when are you due.." I know how you feel! So, grab some movies, and settle back....

Gretchen R said...

((HUGS!!)) I normally don't answer calls and completely avoid people the end of the pregnancy. It's so much hard work to hold yourself together those last few days that I just couldn't risk being around people and falling apart. People tend to say the dumbest things around pregnant women and I just couldn't risk running into someone stupid. And then people fussing because I'm falling apart because they said something stupid. I hate that.

You are so strong. One friend told me the last month of a pregnancy is more difficult than the other 8 put together and I think that's so true. I'll be praying for you!

annalise + andrew said...

HUGS hon! I know the feeling all too well! Wish I could come bring you ice cream and watch sad movies and cry with you! :o) Can't wait to see pictures... you make beautiful babies!!

Sandy said...

Dear Baby Stumbo,
Your mommy is 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant according to Lilypie. That ought to be enough, shouldn't it? Today is a great day to be born sweet baby girl! Your loving family wants to cuddle with you. So does Jenny M., I know 'cause she told me. I'll be praying for a quick and easy entrance into this world.

God bless you little one!
Ellie and Anna's Grandma

the mom~ said...
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the mom~ said...

BIG hugs and lots of cookie eating to you Jen!

Uniquely Normal Mom said...

I don't expect any phone calls or anything, I remember "falling off the face of the earth" and even missing a girls night because I was sick of everyone. Hugs to you, and prayers being sent for you!