Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prayer Request

My mom and Grandma left for the cities today. My Grandma is having a very serious back surgery on Tuesday. It will take atleast 6 hours... if not more. At her age the worry is being put under for that long of a time. Every since her 1st back surgery she has been in constant pain... and I just pray that she will make it through this surgery and recover to have no more pain at all. She is one of the strongest people I know and I love her so much. And I am so scared of losing her. I keep thinking back to when my Grandpa died and I was pregnant with Ava. I want this baby girl to know her Great Grandma so badly. And with all these extra horomones I have right now... I just lose it on a whim. So if any of you reading this can say a little prayer for her Tuesday. I would be so grateful... and for my family. I work that day... wich is prob. a good thing to keep me busy. But I will post once I hear anything.


Tim and Jenny said...

Praying today, tomorrow, Tuesday, and the days after that too!!! :)